Session Information | Strand |
10 a.m. Slot |
An Interaction Design Course for High School Students We interact with interfaces to digital technologies every day. Their design should support humans and computers to do tasks safely, effectively, efficiently, and enjoyably! Interaction Design is a multidisciplinary course that incorporates topics from computing, engineering, design, psychology, human factors, and sociology. In this session we present material that could either be used in an interaction design course or be integrated into an introductory computer science course. The list of topics is based on a course developed at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics that has been taught to both residential and online students. For each topic we present examples of possible content and activities. Presenter: Larry Hodges, Computer Science Chair and Instructor, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics |
Computer Science |
The Problem of Human Trafficking: Using Graph Theory to Explore a Global Issue Despite efforts from world leaders, human trafficking continues to be a global market worth an estimated $150 billion (Niethammer, 2020). According to the Justice Department, human trafficking involves the recruitment, sale, and transportation of adults and children for involuntary servitude, debt bondage, or slavery. In this session, we will provide a brief history of human trafficking and show how graph theory can be applied to analyze this global problem. The session will conclude with a discussion on writing or adapting problems from other sources with the goal of incorporating interdisciplinary perspectives. Presenters: Ashley Loftis, Mathematics Instructor, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Tamar Avineri, Mathematics Instructor, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics |
Math |
A Pathway Toward Advancing Educational Equity and Excellence Considering there is a national and global equity focused call to action, the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy engaged in a process to institutionalize and operationalize Equity and Excellence to address educational inequities. This process included creating an educational case for engaging in Equity and Excellence, policy development, capacity building to engage in equity work, an inclusive and comprehensive data collection methodology, data meaning making, as well as an equity and excellence plan and scorecard development. This workshop will provide participants with an understanding of educational equity, share tools to assist educational institutions in drafting data-informed equity and excellence policy/plans, as well as provide a framework to score and measure progress in advancing equity. Presenters: Adrienne Coleman, Ed.D., Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy Evan Glazer, Ph.D., President, The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy |
Equity |
Teaching the Internet as Text In contrast to models that treat the internet as repository of texts, this talk argues that English Language Arts classrooms benefit from treating the internet itself as a complex cultural text worth analyzing in student writing and discussion. I describe a recurring blog assignment that lets students write about contemporary topics they genuinely care about with authentic purpose: to teach classmates, to respond to classmates, to solve genuine cultural mysteries. While the blog assignment was developed first for a class focused on digital culture and electronic literature, I finally argue that the approach to students work it takes can inform and invigorate the work of a wide variety of Languages Arts classrooms, especially those in NCSSS consortium schools. Presenter: Eric Rettberg, English Faculty, The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy |
Humanities |
The Environmental Humanities: What, Why, How Climate change, ocean acidification, rising sea levels: in our precarious ecological present, do the humanities really matter? In this presentation, I make a case for teaching environmental science through an interdisciplinary lens and clarify the valuable pedagogical insights of scholars in “the environmental humanities.” Attendees will learn the what, why, and how of environmental humanities courses and survey emerging research on the practical and ethical necessity of cross-discipline pedagogy in the age of climate change. Presenter: Dr. Kristen Angierski, English Instructor, South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics |
Humanities |
Student-led STEAM Summer Camp: A Model for Outreach & Leadership Training Discover a structure and lessons learned from 14 years hosting a student-led summer STEAM camp at Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology. Our 9th-11th grade students serve as counselors. The counselors are responsible for designing the PBL-focused curriculum for the rising 4th-8th grade campers. Our high school students implement the curriculum and are even responsible for daily communication back to parents. The processes and tools used for adult oversight during implementation of this successful outreach will also be shared in addition to example schedules from past camps. We will also share how we partner with STEAM business community resources, such as Georgia Power and Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center, to bring external resources and engaging real-world content into the camp. Presenter: Amanda Baskett, Director, Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology |
Outreach |
Building the Foundation for a Trauma Responsive School The social emotional health of gifted students continues to be a priority for counselors, faculty, residence life staff and administrators. This session will provide an overview of the trauma responsive schools designation pilot that IMSA participated in with Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, with the purpose of identifying an effective, sustainable and scalable model of consultation to determine the optimal support for students. Participants will gain resources to build an interdisciplinary trauma responsive school team, develop a trauma responsive action plan, and understand metrics for success to become a trauma informed and trauma responsive school. Presenters: Keisha Rheams, School Counselor, The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy Katie Berger, Chief Student Affairs Officer, The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy |
Wellness |
Inspirit: Integrating Interactive 3D STEM Learning into your Classroom In this session, learn to align 3D STEM tools with diverse curriculum and desired outcomes. We’ll use Inspirit’s 3D resources to create a hands-on, virtual learning experience that embraces diverse learning. In light of recent times, we will also examine some fundamental questions being asked in education currently: such as, what is XR? What devices actually improve student engagement and learning outcomes? What does it take to bridge the best practices of academic research in virtual and gamified STEM education with practical considerations of a real-world setting? Presenters: Aditya Viswanath, Co-Founder and CEO of Inspirit Amrutha Vasan, Co-Founder and CEO of Inspirit |
11 a.m. Slot |
Building and Supporting a Research to Publication Pipeline The Open Educational Resources (OERs) being shared through IMSA’s institutional repository, DigitalCommons, were created by faculty and staff, and reflect the scholarly, innovative, and pedagogical culture of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. Participants in this session will learn how IMSA is generating and disseminating scholarship and incorporating students into its research to publication pipeline. Educators will also see how to easily search IMSA’s open access collaboratorium for lesson plans, teaching units, peer-reviewed articles and literature, conference papers/presentations/posters, books and book chapters, webinars, podcasts, and more. Presenters: Dr. Sowmya Anjur, Science Faculty / Lead Scientific Inquiry and Research (SIR) Coordinator, The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy Jean Bigger, Library Head of Technical Services and Digital Commons Manager, The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy |
Research |
Teaching the Science of Race In this session, I will introduce the semester-long curriculum for Honors Science of Race, an interdisciplinary distance education course. I’ll discuss some of the background information and skills needed by instructors to implement this type of curriculum, some key concepts along with their historical and contemporary applications, and some relevant classroom activities and resources. Presenter: Jamie L. Lathan, Vice Chancellor of Extended Learning, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics |
Equity |
A FLICKER IN THE DARK- STEM Engagement Via the Cinematic Arts An exploration of how Film Studies can dramatically increase student engagement in all areas of STEM education. This includes history of all the technologies involved as well as the societal implications of scientific and technological advancement. Presenter: Stuart Harmon, Educator, Academy for Science and Design |
Humanities |
Under Pressure: Navigating External Demands as Specialized Public Schools The prominence and specialized nature of NCSSS member schools have the potential to subject our communities of learning to additional external scrutiny. Recent flashpoints surrounding national conversations on social justice, COVID-19, gifted education programs, critical race theory, DEIB, and LGBT+ students’ needs have made the discussions school leaders must navigate even more demanding. The stakes can be especially high when missteps can have significant impacts on the support of decision-makers, prospective families, alumni relations, and other stakeholder groups. This session will survey an evolving and, at times, perilous landscape by offering insights on managing external pressures while upholding your school’s values, commitments, and priorities. Presenters: Corey Alderdice, Director, Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts Rheo Morris, Ph.D., Dean of Students, Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts |
Leadership |
Best Practices in Work-Based Learning Coordination for STEM Students Are you interested in implementing a strong Experiential Learning Program but don’t know where to start? Experiential learning bridges the gap between theory and practice. Well-planned, supervised, and assessed experiential learning programs can stimulate academic inquiry by promoting interdisciplinary learning, civic engagement, career development, cultural awareness, leadership, and other professional and intellectual skills. As the Placement Coordinator at The Academies of Loudoun (ACL), Kim Yeager has created a successful framework for Experiential Learning that has enabled students at to participate in learning beyond the classroom. She will share how to build a framework for Experiential Learning, ways to engage business partners and the local community, the challenges faced, and lessons learned over the past four years (school opened in 2018). Presenter: Kim Yeager, Placement Coordinator, Academies of Loudoun |
Outreach |
Top 10 Pitfalls of Science Writing “Empower with Evidence” was the theme of the 2022 AAAS conference, which considered the “challenges of rebuilding the public trust in science” ( after COVID-19. One solution noted in a recent Science editorial was “training students and professional scientists to more effectively translate their work to the public” (Amara, 2022). Come discuss with us the most common pitfalls your students may encounter when they pursue a cutting-edge science topic through the review of primary science literature and communication with author-scientists, with the goal of writing a compelling science essay for a general audience. We will share our Top 10 pitfalls. Presenters: Jennifer Seavey, Humanities/English and AP Language & Composition Teacher, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Anne E. Applin, Head Librarian, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology |
Humanities |
Improving School Culture Through Data-Informed Decision-Making Feeling frustrated by the gap between the volume of information your school collects and the amount of impact that data provides? You’re not alone. Many school teams find themselves in the predicament of being “data rich, but insight poor.” In this session we will dig into how you can focus your measurement efforts on reducing uncertainty to make important decisions that positively impact the student experience. In particular, we will explore Challenge Success student experience data from NCSSS schools and our larger national data set and discuss ways that schools can connect their data to ongoing change and improvement processes. Presenter: Drew Schrader, School Program Manager, Challenge Success |
Wellness |
1:30 p.m. Slot |
Flutter Cross-Platform App Development Curriculum and Projects for High School Students How do we teach cross-platform app development to our high school students? We used to teach Android app only, but nowadays over 60% of our students are using iPhone, and they are eager to design and run apps on their own phone and share with their friends! After explored the options like React.js, C# .NET, we fix our eyes on Flutter, Dart and Firebase. Presenter: Wendy W Qiu, Teacher, Math and Computer Science, Bronx High School of Science |
Computer Science |
From Curation to Creation: Making Short Video Lessons to Support Online Learning and Flipped Classrooms in High School Math This presentation narrates the journey of producing two years’ worth of video content for 9th and 12th grade mathematics for the Philippine curriculum. With the pandemic forcing a shift to an online mode of lesson delivery, having short prerecorded lessons were a more equitable alternative over scheduled synchronous classes for Filipino students with limited internet access. We’ll discuss strategies for overcoming challenges posed by limited time, lack of resources, and inexperience in video editing and share how we plan on using this experience as we transition to hybrid and flipped classroom setups as the Philippines returns to in-person learning. Presenter: Leo Andrei Crisologo, Special Science Teacher, Philippine Science High School Main Campus |
Math |
Ownership & Identity: Becoming a More Equitable and Inclusive STEM Leader |
Equity |
Online Civic Engagement Projects of Science High School in the Philippines Amid the pandemic where human interactions are limited to online platforms, the science high school students in the Philippines maximized it to reach out to the different communities with whom they can share their knowledge and skills. The online setup of communication did not hinder them from collaborating with their friends, classmates, and people in their community. The challenges of online learning did not hinder utilizing the project-based learning approach in teaching the Civic Engagement course. And it also showed that it helps the student’s social and emotional learning. Presenter: Sarah A. Eisma, Teacher, Philippine Science High School – Main Campus |
Humanities |
System Reset: Rebuilding Community, Trust, and Purpose after Challenges and Major Shifts in Community Culture Our communities have been facing significant challenge, trauma, and divisiveness throughout this pandemic. These events have the ability to affect a person’s sense of belonging, affect change in policy and shifts community identity. How do we begin to reconnect with each other, re-establish a trusting community and do it purposely? Creating a sense of connectedness through student involvement in co-curricular activities is important in establishing community. Administrative response to challenges and trauma also has implications in re-establishing community. The purpose of this session is to discuss rebuilding community through student involvement in co-curricular activities, administrative leadership and support. Presenter: Dr. Cathy Thomas, Dean of Students, South Carolina Governor’s School for Science + Mathematics |
Leadership |
Recruiting, Enrolling, Retaining Mission Fit Students (Pandemic Style) Enrollment Management is key to the success of many institutions and our approach should be research-based, relevant, timely, and market-responsive. Operating in a pandemic offers unique and distinct challenges that make enrollment management work even more difficult than it typically is. However, the pandemic has also forced schools to take a step back and re-evaluate what “has always been done” to embrace “what needs to be done” to satisfy and/or exceed enrollment goals. This session focuses on experiences of the ASCTE Admissions Office–where the enrollment needle moved from 0 to 250 in 2 years with a 99% retention rate and a competitive acceptance rate–with an enrollment goal of 400 by the 2024-2025 school year. Presenter: Aaron Brazelton, Director of Admissions and Advancement, Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering (ASCTE) |
Outreach |
Creating a New Heart for Science The biology department at ASD partnered with ARMI/Biotek in a workforce development project that encompassed all the biology and A&P students for the 2021-22 school year. ARMI is a bio-engineering firm located in Manchester NH. Each class integrated their current curriculum strands into the ARMI project . The group project walked students through all the steps to create a bio-fabricated tissue, create a business model and then pitch to investors that are experts in the bioengineering field. The type of tissue to create was determined by the student groups as a solution to a real medical problem faced today. Presenter: Sonja Calderara, PhD, Science Teacher, Academy of Science and Design |
Science |
Making Hemingway’s Characters Well When English teachers ask students to analyze the author’s development of character via literary elements, the students are often simply looking at what the character says and does. From this approach comes a determination of what the author was trying to achieve through character development. But what if the teacher were to add a “wellness” element to the consideration of the character’s development? Might this added element not only impact a change in the student’s perspective of the character but could it not also impact a change in the student’s way of looking at life- through a healthy lens. Achieved through literature no less! Presenter: William Hathaway, English Teacher, Bergen County Academies |
Wellness |
DEEP DIVE PRESENTATIONS: 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. |
Raising The Ceiling and Lowering The Floor: Differentiated Learning Through Tiered Projects This session is designed to be part presentation and part interactive exercise. We will explore some motivations behind tiered projects and the flexibility of using the same artifacts in multiple courses or across grades. Overarching design concepts will be translated to tangible computer science projects. Participants will then be introduced to and engage in a team-based, tiered activity. No computers required. Presenter: Brian Sea, Instructor of Computer Science, North Carolina School for Science and Mathematics |
STEM on the Go In this session, attendees will participate in a hands-on workshop where they will learn how to build cheap and easy STEM kits that they can take on the go. There will be two different types of kits: teacher guided and inquiry based. Attendees will leave this session with several inexpensive and fun hands-on activities to add to their STEM toolbox so they can start their own STEM outreach program. Presenter: Jean Karst, Campus Programs Coordinator, John Jay Science and Engineering Academy |
Moving from Theory to Action: Culturally Responsive Classrooms & Schools During this sessions, participants will be able to identify the mindsets/beliefs and key principles that undergird highly effective culturally responsive classrooms and schools. Participants will be able to build awareness of instructional and cultural practices that cultivate culturally responsive classrooms and schools. Presenter: Krystal Hardy Allen, Founder & CEO of K. Allen Consulting™, former teacher and principal |
Session Information | Strand |
DEEP DIVE PRESENTATIONS: 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. |
Equity in STEM? Why don’t we just focus on STEM? Let’s Crowdsource! Join us for an interactive discussion exploring perspectives on equity in STEM. We want to know how educators are responding to questions that challenge why equity is being discussed in a STEM environment or institution. We argue that looking at the work of STEM through a lens of equity maximizes the likelihood of excellence in student engagement and achievement. Participants will walk away with a framework, awareness, and ideas for pedagogical best practices to embed equity across the organization in general, and classrooms in particular, in support of diverse students. Presenter: Comfort E Akwaji-Anderson, Ph.D., Principal and Chief Academic Officer, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy |
Hands-On Introduction to AI and Machine Learning for High School Students Through Building Unity Games What is the best way for a high school students to learn AI and machine learning (ML)? AI and ML are so relevant to the near future, it deserves more attention in high school computer science education. However, some of the contents can be very abstract for the students to understand, and the subject can be difficult to teach without fun engaging hands-on activities. At the Bronx High School of Science, we explored alternative ways to teach basic AI and machine learning to our students. During the pandemic, we used Unity ML Agents to teach our students the basic AI and ML algorithms. We would love to share our experience and resources with our peers! Presenter: Wendy Qiu, Teacher, Math and Computer Science, Bronx High School of Science |
10:40 a.m. Slot |
CyberSecurity Competitions and Education Resources Learn how cybersecurity competitions and courses have peaked student interest in computer science, problem solving, and collaborating on teams. A survey of current standards, curriculums, and lab environments will be discussed. Let’s share our experiences. Presenter: Deborah Gray, Computer Science Instructor, Alabama School of Math and Science |
Computer Science |
Leveraging Internships & Research for Community Outreach Learn how the Center for Advanced Studies at Wheeler High School’s unique internship and research capstone experience contributes valuable research projects to the community. Senior students complete 100+ hours working in an industry of their choosing. During the course, students find and secure their own internships and then conduct original research that directly benefits their mentor. At the end of the semester, students present their research findings and reflect on their internship experience to the community, their mentors and faculty members. The session will present course content, evaluation tools, and student deliverables. Participants will explore instructional resources and student work exemplars from this Internship & Research Capstone experience. Q&A to follow. Presenters: Ashley Deason, Teacher, Research Coordinator, Wheeler High School Elizabeth Gainsford, Teacher, Internship Coordinator, Wheeler High School |
Research |
Beyond Lip Service: Infusing Core Values of Equity into Curriculum To reflect our newfound core values, the Ingenuity Project revised its research project to encourage curiosity, innovation, and promote a sense of social responsibility. The Social Problems and STEM Research Project project requires students to identify a social problem that they find interesting. Students then identify two STEM fields that help explain or solve the problem. This assignment is broken into smaller pieces over the school year, during which time students find and read academic articles, learn how to synthesize the information into a final paper, and later present their work at a formal symposium. As a result, sophomores have been especially engaged and motivated to pursue independent research projects. Presenters: Nicole Rosen, Research Director, The Ingenuity Project Lisette Morris, Director, The Ingenuity Project |
Equity |
Why Are There Microscopes In the Art Room? During this presentation we will explore how working cross curriculum enhances learning within the visual arts, science and mathematics. We will discuss how the visual arts curriculum can be created in order to bond with STEM courses for student success. Through exploration we will discuss how collaboration within these courses can be used to solidify cross curriculum understanding and learning. Presenter: Joyce Symoniak, Visual Arts Faculty, The Illinois Math and Science Academy |
Humanities |
Got 99 Problems? Let PBL be the Solution Interested in using Problem Based Learning ((PBL) in the classroom but concerned over implementation time, classroom management and assessments? Our PBL training may help! In this session we introduce our training structure which relates traditional PBL perspectives to current K-12 instructional trends. In doing so, we highlight how frequently utilized inquiry based, student-centered tools are essential in any PBL activity, and help mitigate classroom time and management issues. Further, as PBL is used to engage students in content learning, we address how traditional assessment, used alongside authentic opportunities, can aid in the PBL process. Presenters: Dr. Nicole Ross, Curriculum and Professional Development Specialist, The Illinois Math and Science Academy Allison Albert, Curriculum and Professional Development Specialist, The Illinois Math and Science Academy |
Outreach |
Using Toys For Home-Based Physics Lab Work Schools were closed down; teachers had to reinvent their strategies. Given the availability of virtual technology, teachers shifted to online classes, modules and simulations. These new adjustments reasonably addressed needs. Physics teachers, however, had to provide students with opportunities lab experiments at home. To address this problem, we Physics teachers identified toys to serve as alternatives to standard lab apparatus. Toys based on Physics principles can demonstrate Physics concepts. Modified toys were sent to students to let them work on their own. Results, quizzes and feedback show that toys are well- appreciated and are comparable to standard lab apparatus. Presenter: Anna Carmela B. Bonifacio, Instructor, Philippine Science High School- Main Campus |
Science |
Keeping Your Balance as a Leader All leaders are faced with huge demands on them physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Having a deeper level of self and social awareness as well as meaningful practices for maintaining one’s balance can help create a better foundation for doing the necessary and purposeful work that a leader is called to do. Presenter: Tim Gott, Leadership coach math instructor, and retired school leader, South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics |
Wellness |
11:40 a.m. Slot |
Mathematics Research for High School Students Research is an important part of the student experience at leading STEM schools. Math research opportunities for high schoolers are very limited. Progress in mathematics often requires graduate degrees. This session will explain how teaching students to formalize mathematics in the LEAN programming language presents an opportunity for high school students to contribute to new and exciting areas of mathematics and computer science research without needing a math degree. Presenters: Taylor Belcher, Math Instructor, South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics |
Math |
Engineering Engaging Experiences in Education This session’s focus is intended to bridge connections between Engineering and AP Environmental Science. Our focus is to provide learning opportunities that foster a student-led, project-based environment full of diverse learning experiences. Presenters: Heather Stanfield, AP Environmental Science Teacher, North Gwinnett High School – Gwinnett County Public Schools Kevin Bradley, Engineering Teacher, North Gwinnett High School – Gwinnett County Public Schools |
Engineering |
Equity, Student Voice, & Hands-On Learning: Learning Experiences through NCSU’s Citizen Science Club, Tomatosphere, Sourdough Starters, & Crowd The Tap Citizen Science encourages public participation in scientific research and a unique opportunity for K-12/college students to be engaged in authentic, active scientific research projects and problem-based, hands-on science. Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School is located at the heart of NC State University’s campus. This session will highlight teacher/student voices and the impact of students working with diverse scientists and college students, telling the story of the school’s journey of collaboration with NCSU’s Citizen Science Club: teachers co-planning with college students/scientists- to actively engage students in Citizen Science projects, like Sourdough Starters, Crowd The Tap, & Tomatosphere. Presenters: Lindsay Strickland, Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School, Wake County Public Schools Cameron Steitz, Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School, Wake County Public Schools |
Equity |
The Perfect Blend: Tips and Strategies for Blending Classes and Content Areas This session will focus on tips and strategies for blending curriculums with a primary focus on AP US History and AP Language and Composition. With the high levels of stressors that many STEM-focused students face, blending skills-focused classes with content-specific classes can allow students to both see the connections between subject areas and to more easily navigate a strenuous workload. Participants will leave with a greater understanding of the benefits of blended instruction for both teachers and students, as well as resources they can adapt for their own classrooms and schools. Presenters: Megan Johnston, Language Arts Teacher, North Gwinnett High School Katie Massey, Social Studies Teacher, North Gwinnett High School |
Humanities |
Creating a Transparent and Equitable Faculty Workload Model Does your institution struggle to define “faculty workload” when interviewing prospective faculty members? Do your faculty express concern about inequitable work assignments? Guided by the NCSSM Strategic Plan, the Academic Programs team iteratively analyzed faculty duties, responsibilities, and workloads for equity across departments and divisions to develop a faculty workload model based on our definition of Faculty Professional Units (FPUs). Teaching courses, developing curriculum, sponsoring an academic competition, and hosting a conference are examples of tasks included in our FPUs that are now distributed equitably across faculty positions. The workload model allows supervisors to differentiate faculty assignments based on department need and faculty interest, and it helps faculty and prospective faculty to understand NCSSM faculty job expectations. Presenters: Angela L. Teachey, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Katie O’Connor, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics |
Leadership |
Building Pathway Career Partnerships for Externships, Internships and Interim Experiential Learning Opportunities Building partnerships outside the school walls is imperative for real world learning. The Pathways Program is a two-way partnership with a variety of organizations. This innovative program helps prepare students for college and career paths by engaging them in activities beyond their typical studies. An externship allows participants to connect their career interests to the workplace and learn how organizations operate across departments. Our Interim program offers a model for success that other institutions can easily implement. We describe Interim Week as a time of innovation and discovery as students step outside of traditional classrooms and participate in experiential learning. Presenters: Dr. Mandi Sonnenberg, Director STEAM Projects & Education, St. Teresa’s Academy Kelly Finn, Experiential Learning Coordinator, St. Teresa’s Academy |
Outreach |
Two-Stage Electromagnetic Cannon for Students’ Research Projects, Classroom Demonstrations, and Outreach Unlike commercially available coil guns, this EM cannon is specifically designed for educational applications. The open layout displays all the system modules for easy identification and explanation. There is extensive flexibility of configuration and operation, and a variety of cylindrical projectiles can be fired. One model is powered by the 120V line and reaches 170V and the other is battery operated at 72V. Both models are easily transportable for outreach activities. Currents in the coils produce large magnetic fields that accelerate the projectiles, whose velocities can be controlled from zero to maximum forward and backwards by varying the delay time between firing the first and the second coil. A computer code allows comparisons between theory and experimental results. Presenters: Dr. Antonino Carnevali, Physics Instructor, South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics Nathaniel Bruss, Student, South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics |
Science |
Residence Life Roundtable Discussion This session is a roundtable discussion for residential STEM schools to discuss the unique challenges we have faced as student needs change during the pandemic. We invite open discussion to see what challenges other schools have faced with regard to student mental health, conflict resolution, infection control, and parent interactions. Presenters: Kara Whitney, Director of Student Affairs, Alabama School of Math and Science Dr. John Hoyle, President, Alabama School of Math and Science |
Wellness |
2:15 p.m. Slot |
Coding Math with LaTeX Show students how to present professional looking projects by coding with LaTeX. has made coding with LaTeX extremely straight forward, and fun. Presenter: Walt Levisee, Math Dept Chair, Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts |
Math |
Making Archipelagos Out of Islands: Developing a Consortium-Wide Student Research Experience Community Student research experiences have received increased emphasis as high-value educational opportunities, particularly for STEM students. This is an area of STEM education in which NCSSS member schools are national leaders. Programs to provide student research experiences vary from school to school based on local circumstances and are often led by a small number of faculty/staff. We will present a framework for an NCSSS community focused on student research experiences to share resources, promote the benefits of these programs, influence stakeholders, and support program development in member schools. Presenter: Dr. Joshua T. Witten, Director of Research & Inquiry, South Carolina Governor’s School for Science & Mathematics |
Research |
Equitably Engaging All Students with Science Texts, Discourse, and Writing Engage with literacy and discourse strategies to read, discuss, and make sense of an anchor text series and ensure equitable participation and engagement of students. Presenters: MK Baker, Wake STEM Early College Danielle McCaslin, Wake Early College of Information & Biotechnologies |
Equity |
Lecture-Discussion on Sustainable Assessment in STEM Schools: Bridging the Gap Between Expectations and Reality This lecture will present how the sustainable assessment and feedback principles of Nicol and McFarlane-Dick (2005) were successfully implemented in the English classes at the high school level in a premier STEM school in the Philippines and how these applications resulted in more flexible, empowering, and meaningful learning experiences for the students. The benefits of dynamic discussion on quality work, negotiated assessment, dialogic and high-quality feedback, and more informed pedagogical decisions based on assessment results will also be shared. The interactive discussions will also invite the audience to reflect on their assessment practices and share their experiences with fellow educators. Presenter: Kornellie L. Raquitico, Special Science Teacher V, Philippine Science High School-Main Campus |
Humanities |
Strategies for Connecting School Leadership and Members of the Community in STEAM Programming School administrators can struggle with staying connected to the classroom for a variety of reasons. There are instances where classroom teachers are hesitant to involve leaders in the classroom curriculum. To keep administrators and teachers connected takes planning and innovative approaches. They need support from their teachers and external colleagues to simplify STEM connections and curriculum programming to involve them. Developing crossover in different departments to highlight interdisciplinary programming is key for development and sustainability. It is imperative that administrators support these interdisciplinary and experiential learning endeavors as they learn more about them. Cross-curricular efforts provide school leadership with an opportunity to observe and support multiple STEM departments at once. Presenters: Mandi Sonnenberg, EdD, Director of STEAM Projects & Education, St. Teresa’s Academy Nicole Smith, Teacher, St. Teresa’s Academy |
Leadership |
Growing Your Pipeline: Using Community and Civic Based Organizations, Universities and Other Organizations to Grow a Diverse Campus NCSSM’s Admissions leadership will share what they have learned in over 40 years of Admissions to develop a pipeline of a diverse student body in a selective, specialized STEM program using internal and external advocates, constituents, and community-based organizations. They will share strategies on how they fostered relationships and increased collaborations with these entities to increase the number of underrepresented applications over a four year period to their highest in the school’s history and increased enrollment from economically disadvantaged areas across all programs. Additionally, NCSSM was able to grow the overall interest and application numbers to a record high. Presenters: Mattie Gaddy-Parks, Director of Admissions, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Robert Andrews, Associate Director of Admissions, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics |
Outreach |
Increase Engagement in AP Science Using Stations Are you looking for ways to improve student engagement in your science classroom? This session will include strategies and examples of station-based activities and minilabs from chemistry, biology, AP chemistry, and AP biology courses. These activities are designed to help build student skills and to facilitate formative assessment and differentiation. Presenters: Diana Kennen, Teacher, Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Tech Tiffany Jones, Teacher, Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Tech |
Science |
Using Student-Created Contracts to Enhance Social-Emotional Learning Social-emotional learning (SEL), ability to self-assess, and research proficiencies are improved by using student-generated performance contracts to manage long-term individual and group projects. Student mental health benefits from a movement to formative, growth-based assessment. We will discuss how to use contracts and feedback cycles to improve the management of long-term research projects. Discussion will center on how to lead students in developing contracts, managing students’ contract use, planning formative assessment of progress, and how our students reported on their experiences. There will be time for collaborative discussion on how to adapt this system to your own course. Presenters: Rebecca Thrash, Science Teacher, Alabama School of Fine Arts Jameson Ware, Science Teacher, Alabama School of Fine Arts |
Wellness |
3:15 p.m. Slot |
Engineering Is Cool! Communicating Engineering Careers and College Preparation Engineering is awesome, and can lead you to a variety of successful careers! This session will focus on the breadth of opportunities in engineering, with tips on how to layer messaging for middle school through high school students. It will also highlight what kind of preparation in middle school and high school is most advantageous for colleges and universities as well as what criteria to consider when choosing an engineering program. Presenter: David Bowker, Direct, Office of Future Engineers, Purdue University |
Engineering |
AP Capstone and STEM Research 4.0, Rebuilding in the Post-Pandemic AP Capstone and established STEM (hard science) research programs can be successfully integrated and scheduled within a school’s curriculum to maximize student engagement in the research process. This presentation will show how the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute integrated AP Capstone into its two existing laboratory research programs, doubling the number of students engaged in active research programs throughout the school, over an eight-year period. Specific focus will be on the rebuilding of the laboratory and non-laboratory research partnerships with external partners. Presenter: Josh Headley, AP Capstone Coordinator, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute |
Research |
The Mystery Box Investigation Activity as an Analog for Scientific Inquiry The Mystery Box Investigation is an open-ended hands-on activity, elements of which are analogs for the scientific inquiry process. The mystery box is a sealed cube with an enclosed moving object. In the activity, students will be asked to hold, listen and feel the cube to find out what’s inside. The students are asked to report findings, consult with peers and reflect on their thinking processes throughout the activity. The ideas and terms used throughout the discussion can serve as a familiar jump-off point for class discussions about the complexities of scientific inquiry. Presenter: Rey Niño Baguio, Special Science Teacher, Philippine Science High School Main Campus |
Science |
A Pedagogy of the Erroneous: Increasing STEM Student Engagement in English by Debunking Misreadings STEM students don’t always love their English classes. Sometimes, they see English as a “soft” subject in which any interpretive opinion is valid because it seems like enthusiasm matters more than evidence. By exposing these students to famously weak interpretations of texts, we can entice STEM stalwarts to participate more in their English classes as they discover that evidence and analysis matter as much in the humanities as they do in the sciences. Presenter: Mitch Frye, Academic Dean, Alabama School of Mathematics and Science |
Humanities |
Stuck In Your Advancement Efforts? Stuck in your advancement efforts? ASCTE has cracked the code on institutional advancement efforts. Learn how to collaborate with enterprises (local, state, and federal government, industry, academia, and non-profits) in order to maximize opportunities for students, while ensuring financial growth. ASCTE brings these enterprises together for the benefit of all involved. Ultimately, the true beneficiaries are the students and the school. Presenters: Matt Massey, President, Alabama School of Cyber Technology & Engineering PeggyLee Wright, Executive Director, ASCTE Foundation |
Leadership |
Us vs ‘THEM’ – Deconstructing the Mythical Wall that Exists Between Campus Safety & Security Departments and the Campus Community. This presentation/discussion will explore innovative and collaborative ways to build and strengthen relationships with Campus Safety and the entire campus community. Presenter: Justin Gildner, Director of Campus Safety, NCSSM – Morganton |
Outreach |
The Art of Getting it Wrong Winston Churchill once said “success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.” Unfortunately, highly structured traditional lab activities are often confirmatory in nature and do not require or encourage students to engage authentically in the scientific process. These confirmatory labs do not provide students with the opportunity to fail, reevaluate and redesign – all necessary components in science and research. In this session, participants will explore and reflect on an open-ended activity that provides a more authentic learning environment and better reflects the nature of science. Presenter: Dr. Nicole Ross, Curriculum and Professional Development Specialist, The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy |
Science |
Core Values Based Tools for Student & Family Engagement and Culture Building Middle and High School Student Engagement Deans will share various student and family engagement tools to promote organization values, support academic achievement, provide parental guidance, and acknowledge the social-emotional needs of students. These tools provide opportunities for dialogue, data collection, community feedback, and connection. Presenters: Shani Ortiz, Dean of Student Engagement, The Ingenuity Project Jocilyn Harris, Dean of Student Engagement – Middle School, The Ingenuity Project |
Wellness |
4:15 p.m. Slot |
What I Learned About Teaching Math from Teaching Flying (and Vice-Versa) How is teaching someone how to fly an airplane similar to teaching someone mathematics? As I’ve discovered during the past four years (since earning my flight instructor certificate), they have more in common than you might realize! In this session I’ll briefly overview the process involved in earning a pilot certificate and share some reflections on the similarities between flight instruction and teaching mathematics. Presenter: Philip Rash, Math Teacher, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics |
Math |
Grading for Equity: A Teacher Perspective After a year of intense research and conversation, faculty at the Battle Creek Area Mathematics and Science Center began the implementation of an equitable grading system. The goal of the new grading system was for all grades to accurately reflect student learning, be bias resistant, and be motivating for students. This presentation will give examples of current practices and detail the process of changing grading norms. Included in conversation will be what worked, what required modifications, and the overall impact of equitable grading practices. Presenters: Scott Hanson, Science Instructor, Battle Creek Area Mathematics and Science Center Karen Payson, Mathematics Instructor, Battle Creek Area Mathematics and Science Center |
Equity |
Using Immersive Reader in STEM Literacy? In the STEM classroom? Yes, it’s completely possible! Let’s dive in to see how Immersive Reader can help support STEM education! Immersive Reader is a literacy tool that can be used in any classroom and any subject–including STEM class! Join us to see how Immersive Reader can be used as a learning tool in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses. Topics covered include using Picture Dictionary for learning and assessment, adjusting languages in Immersive Reader, creating exciting math challenges in OneNote, and using collaborative spaces in OneNote. Presenter: Victoria Thompson, Microsoft |
Sponsored Session |
Leveraging Teacher Voice & RTI to Create a K-12 Vision for STEM Learning How can teacher voice be leveraged in making district/school STEM-related decisions? WCPSS Office of Magnet & Curriculum Enhancement oversees magnet schools/early colleges with themes that have a STEM focus: the WCPSS STEM Consortium. This session will provide an overview of the process of formulating a WCPSS STEM Consortium Teacher Leadership Team, leveraging RTI International, to develop a K-12 district definition of what STEM Learning looks like, the teacher/student actions that support STEM learning, and STEM learner graduate profiles. In this model, teacher leaders are able to participate in and facilitate unique professional learning opportunities. Presenters: Dr. Kimberly Lane, Office of Magnet & Curriculum Enhancement, Wake County Public School System Paul Domenico, Office of Magnet & Curriculum Enhancement, Wake County Public School System Joshua Hunter, Senior Administrator for Magnet Curriculum Support & Outreach, Wake County Public School System |
Humanities |
Inquiry-to-Action through Community-School Partnerships: WECHS H.E.A.L.S. Instructional leaders from Wake Early College of Health and Science (WECHS) leveraged community partnerships and interdisciplinary curricular connections to design and facilitate WECHS H.E.A.L.S., an inquiry-to-action project, with students. Through the project, 65 students across 11 teams engaged in Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global, a five-phase collaborative inquiry process focused on developing sustainable, community-embedded innovations to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We look forward to sharing how WECHS H.E.A.L.S. can serve as a model for community outreach in at least two ways: 1) school leaders utilizing strategic higher education connections with instructional initiatives, and 2) students connecting with local organizations toward addressing society’s wicked problems. Presenters: Jody Paramore, Instructional Coach, Wake Early College of Health and Science Marie Himes, Research Associate, The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University Kate Wernersbach, Wake Early College of Health and Science |
Outreach |
Scientific Models and Experimental Errors For the past several years, I have explicitly taught my students how to describe the physical and mathematical models used in textbook problems and the analysis of experiments. I have also explicitly taught my students how to use the physical model used to analyze experiments to identify sources of experimental error, especially systematic errors. I have also described to my students the relationship between physics models and the engineering concepts of tolerance and safety factor. I will describe specific examples of how these concepts have been used in my AP Physics C: Mechanics classes. Presenter: Daniel Crowe, Science Teacher, Academies of Loudoun |
Science |