Why Partner With NCSSS?

NCSSS represents the premier STEM schools in the country and around the globe. These ground-breaking, forward-focused institutions raise the bar for every other school through their commitment to a robust STEM curriculum, authentic research, and their students’ participation in external STEM competitions.

For nearly 35 years, NCSSS has supported the professional development and networking opportunities for teams of school leaders, educators, and external partners who share the same passion to advance STEM experiences for all students by serving as a national STEM resource.

As a corporate member, you will have year-round opportunities to learn with these school leaders at in-person and online events. NCSSS can keep you up to date on breaking news about funding and policies that impact STEM education and your bottom line.

Whether you offer innovative facility designs or furnishings for STEM learning spaces, digital instructional resources, or hands-on tools, partnering with NCSSS means you are reaching the leading STEM leaders who can inspire others. Multiple studies document the power of peer influence and recommendations when educators seek new solutions.

NCSSS also offers a unique opportunity for business leaders who recognize the success of their own companies will require a diverse STEM pipeline filled with the next generation of thinkers, creators, and inventors. Through NCSSS, you can support your future workforce and the educators who prepare them.

Ways to Engage

Corporate Membership

We want to build a relationship with you. We want to hear your insights and we want our member schools to know you believe in the mission of NCSSS. An easy first step is to join NCSSS as a Corporate Member. Ann Flynn, Director of STEM Education Partnerships, can help you navigate NCSSS.

Becoming an Active Member

Once you’re part of the NCSSS community, you can explore the opportunities that make the most sense for your corporate goals. Perhaps you want to present a thought-leader session through one of the NCSSS virtual Consortium Connects discussions or prefer an in-person exchange during the annual Professional Conference.

On the other hand, maybe you’re more interested in getting your research results included in the STEM Edge journal or hosting educators or students at your facility to see STEM in action. Kerry Kerr, the NCSSS Director of Sponsorships can help you design a Partnership Package that will be a win-win for you and the NCSSS members schools.

By partnering with our small but mighty association, you can make a large impact on the future of STEM education.

Exhibits, Sponsorships, and Advertising

Sometimes, building a long-term partnership may not always make sense. Perhaps you can only support NCSSS if we’re meeting in your local community. Or perhaps STEM is not your only priority, but you still want to demonstrate your support for our work. That’s ok! While our most comprehensive Partnership Opportunities are reserved for year-round corporate members, there are plenty of additional ways to get engaged.

From online advertising to hosting an exhibit table or providing a much-appreciated coffee break, during the Professional Conference, those options are available a la carte. Kerry Kerr can help you design an opportunity that maximizes your visibility and supports our member schools.

More Information

Contact Kerry Kerr, Director of Sponsorships.