Jean Karst
Campus Programs Coordinator
John Jay Science and Engineering Academy
Deep Dive Session: STEM on the Go
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Date: Thursday, November 3
Session Takeaways: Session attendees will learn about the types of STEM outreach our campus participates in. They will see examples of the activity sheet and STEM kits that we have developed. Finally, attendees will participate in a few cheap and fun hands-on activities that they can add to their STEM Outreach toolbox.

Jean Karst is the Campus Programs Coordinator at the John Jay Science and Engineering Academy (SEA) located in San Antonio, Texas. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology, a Master’s of Science in Environmental Science, and a Master’s of Education.
Karst has been in education for 16 years. She has taught Chemistry, Environmental Science and AP Physics during her time in the classroom. Prior to working in education, she was a research scientist at a local biotechnology facility. She has attended the NCSSS Professional Conference for four years as a professional and has brought students to the NCSSS student conference twice. This will be her second time presenting at NCSSS.
As the Campus Programs Coordinator it is her goal to help the students develop their 21st skills (collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity) by exposing them to as many STEM experiences as possible. This is done through internships, field trips, conferences, guest speakers, and STEM Outreach. Over the last five years, the STEM Outreach program has grown with each year a new layer being added.