The National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools (NCSSS) was established in 1988 to provide a forum for specialized secondary schools focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines to exchange information and program ideas.

The Consortium now includes approximately 100 member high schools, many ‘ranked’ as the best in the country, along with 55 affiliate and associate members (colleges, universities, summer programs, foundations, and corporations) located in 32 states and 4 countries. that share the goals of transforming mathematics, science, engineering, and technology education. Learn more about the history of NCSSS.


NCSSS is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of four officers — President, President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, and the immediate Past President. The Board may have no fewer than 11 Directors and no more than 21, except to allow an officer to fulfill their term. A Director must be a full-time employee of an Institutional, Affiliate, or Associate member institution.

Institutional Directors are elected by the Institutional Members prior to the Professional Conference based upon a slate recommended by the Nominating Committee. The Directors serve for 3-year terms with no Director serving more than two consecutive 3-year terms. Officers are elected by the Board of Directors at its annual spring meeting upon consideration of a slate of nominees presented by the Nominating Committee.

Affiliate Members are appointed to the Board by the President for one-year terms. No more than four members of the Board may not be Institutional Members. Associate and Affiliate Board members, along with the NCSSS Executive Director, are non-voting members of the Board of Directors. The NCSSS Board accomplishes much of its work through a standing committee structure for Membership, Programs, and Nominating. Meet the NCSSS leadership and learn about our beliefs and strategies.

Our Beliefs

The National Consortium of Specialized STEM Schools believes that:

  • Each person has intrinsic worth.
  • Nurturing creativity is essential for expanding human potential.
  • People develop best in communities that are safe, compassionate, and open-minded.
  • Honesty and integrity are essential elements for healthy human relationships.
  • Learning is a lifelong process.
  • People have the responsibility to care for the environment.
  • In all areas of human endeavor, the search for truth is a worthy pursuit.
  • Appreciation of cultural diversities is essential for people to participate in a global community.
  • Individual potential is independent of gender, race, and socioeconomic status.

Our Strategies

  1. We will establish, develop, and support collaborative projects which will further the Consortium’s commitment to transform mathematics, science and technology teaching and learning.
  2. We will promote exemplary educational programs.
  3. We will contribute to the development of national policy related to mathematics, science, and technology teaching and learning.
  4. We will explore emerging ideas, research, and practices in mathematics, science and technology.
  5. We will provide mechanisms to gather and disseminate information.
  6. We will recruit, maintain, and inform members and encourage active participation.
  7. We will actively pursue financial support for the Consortium.