In an effort to keep you more informed on events happening in STEM education, we are now starting a weekly roundup of news you may have missed during the week in the field.
Women in STEM: NAU above U.S. average: Nationally, in the last decade, women only accounted for 28 percent of the people involved in STEM fields. Northern Arizona University surpasses the normal average of women in these professions due to the focus on a STEM City and incorporating STEM into the community to gain interest from kids currently in school. Source: Arizona Daily Sun
Why we are teaching science wrong, and how to make it right: Active and interactive learning are essential for success in science disciplines. “We find up to 20% better grades over usual methods,” said Tom Duff, a computer scientist at the University of the West of Scotland. However, even though the results are there, not everyone is embracing this idea. Faculty members may need more preparation, not to mention it breaks from the traditional teaching formats instructors may have been taught. Source: Nature
Engaging parents in kids’ STEM education: Outside the classroom is a highly valuable place for kids to learn about STEM careers and generate attraction to them. At the 2015 U.S. News STEM Solutions Conference, speakers emphasized the importance of helping parents learn about STEM, which in turn will help their children learn about it as well. Underprivileged families don’t usually know how to help their students learn about STEM, but speakers at this session stressed the importance of learning with their children instead of pretending they know everything. Source: U.S. News & World Report