Year-Round Sponsorship Opportunities

NCSSS offers a variety of year-round opportunities to help STEM-oriented organizations reach our exclusive audience.

"Our partnership with NCSSS has not only provided unparalleled insights into evolving educational needs but has also unlocked many new business prospects, expanding our network to deliver cutting-edge STEM education services. Join us in shaping a brighter future for students and educators through innovation and collaboration.”
Jason Osborne
Chief Business Officer, syGlass


Extend your reach beyond our events! 

Our weekly e-newsletter and semiannual digital magazine, STEM Edge, provide year-round opportunities to connect with our audience on highly accessible digital platforms.


Leadership Summit

February 6-8, 2025 in New York City

A two-day deep dive into current STEM-related topics. We expect approximately 40-60 leaders from the top STEM high schools around the U.S.

*Only available to year-round sponsors.*


✔ One full conference registration ($295 value)
✔ List of attendee names/schools prior to the conference
✔ Ability to speak to the general audience (5-10 minutes)
✔ Post-conference email blast to all attendees sent by NCSSS
✔ Place one literature piece or marketing giveaway
on tables in general session room
✔ Opportunity to network with school leaders over the two
days in small settings
✔ Logo on website

Consortium Connects are 45-60 minute virtual professional learning opportunities designed to spark meaningful conversations on key topics in STEM education. Led by experienced teachers or administrators, these interactive roundtables provide a collaborative space for participants to exchange ideas, share best practices, and explore innovative solutions to challenges in STEM.

Sponsoring these sessions offers a unique chance to align your brand with thought leadership in STEM education and engage directly with educators and administrators shaping the future of learning.

Sponsors get their logo at the beginning and end of the webinar and the opportunity to discuss their company for up to 2 minutes or play a video for up to 2 minutes.

Sponsors are encouraged to share the webinar link with their prospect lists to increase visibility and attendance at the webinar.

Our Partners

Together, we’ll shape the future of learning.

Are you interested in a year-round package that includes our annual conference, leadership summit, advertising, articles in our digital STEM Edge magazine and more?

If so, contact Kerry Kerr for more information